Field Finds


Well-known member
Here are some things I've picked up in fields while pheasant hunting. Notice what appear to be .30 caliber holes in the cow skull.
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I may have an answer for that .30 cal hole. Farmers/Ranchers will sometimes butcher a beef for food in the field. To put them down and keep them down. They will use a 30-30 or something like it. I have seen it done many times.........Bob
I may have an answer for that .30 cal hole. Farmers/Ranchers will sometimes butcher a beef for food in the field. To put them down and keep them down. They will use a 30-30 or something like it. I have seen it done many times.........Bob

Great thing about this forum is all the life experiences others share. One can imagine an entire novel or western movie from this sharing of knowledge of the west. Thank you! Every time I look at my cow skull with the bullet holes, I will have a day dream about its history. Such little things make life so interesting.
Found an arrow head in very good condition. When I picked it up I just stood there for awhile thinking about the indian who shot let that arrow go. I was just wondering what he could have been shooting at? It was found along a creek with a deer path next to it. Couldn't help but think if this same deer path along that creek was there when the indian fired away. Ah, at the time it was Cool stuff.:)
Britchaser; I have lived in 4 states 3 in Northern Midwest and 1 west coast. In all of them I have seen farmers either butcher cattle themselves or have a Custom Butcher Company come out and do it for them. It is really a common thing in rual america........Bob
Britchaser; I have lived in 4 states 3 in Northern Midwest and 1 west coast. In all of them I have seen farmers either butcher cattle themselves or have a Custom Butcher Company come out and do it for them. It is really a common thing in rual america........Bob

There's a rancher here in Kansas that sells buffalo on the hoof. You go out to his pen, pick your critter, shoot it, and then haul it north to a processor in Nebraska who will accept a shot buffalo. Knew a guy in eastern Oregon that offered in-the-field butchering services. What great ways to get your freezer filled with good meat.
I found a old civil war bayonet. It was in a river bottom in southern MN.After research turned out to be an infantry model. Neat stuff. I always think it's cool to look inside old abandon buildings from way back too. Not always safe, but neat.
I found an arrow this spring as well while running dogs and had the same thoughts. Kids took it to school and it was a hit. A farmer friend has so many indian tools. His farm is a mile south of the Maumee river which is one of the major feeder rivers for Lake Erie and also the sight of a major battle during the war of 1812. If the dirt could talk the stories would make your head spin.