Feist/Jack Russell Bird Dog


New member
I've been asking alot of questions on here about bird dogs in anticipation of getting one. I appreciate all of the good advice. I think most of ya'll are fixing to laugh at me, but I settled on a Feist/Jack Russell mix. Daddy (the Feist) is a jam-up tree dog (coon and squirrels). Momma (the Jack) is used as an all around hunter. The breeder said she trees squirrels and attacks coons, fox, possums, and whatever else she comes upon........ and she flushes birds. My choice was basically a money thing. Just don't know if I am serious enough about this type of hunting to spend a lot of money on a dog bred for such a specific purpose. Don't get me wrong- them pointers sure look good doing what they do. I just know that if I don't get to bird hunt very often I can still use this dog for other things.

If my pup will do what this Jack does in the video, I'll be happy. You may have to copy and paste the link:


The pup is gonna be real small, but her prey drive seems strong and she's retrieving at 6 weeks. Just small toys that I throw across the living room, but she brings them back no problem. I've only had her 3 days. The first couple I just let her hang out, but last night we started obedience. She picked up sit pretty well, but I will probably not go too fast.

Here's my question: I have bobwhites hatching in about 3-4 days. I was gonna give the birds a week and then turn my pup loose on one. Is it too soon? Will them not having feathers throw her off later on? I was gonna just start with small birds and work up as them and the dog grow. Thought it might build her confidence by avoiding wing-slaps early on and making sure she gets the best of the bird.

I may be going at the training all wrong. The only dogs I've worked with had to take on hogs or coons (and I ain't talking about no treeing lol). With that fighting type of work it is best to make sure the dog wins early on to build them up. Don't know if that is necessary with birds. I just want her to enjoy catching them so that she will eventually want to look for them.

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some may disagree but I would definately start the pup on small quail maybe let them get their feathers but it will not hurt her to find and chase the birds and will definately flip the switch faster when it comes to hunting birds and their are all types of bird dogs out there my best 1 when i was growing up was a blue healer that girl could work cattle and find birds