Ever had this happen to you.......


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Picture this. Saturday mid-morning I approach the wife about grabbing the dog and heading out to hit some new walk in spots about 25 southwest of town (Emporia). We have two little girls, 3 and 7, and they were behaving, so momma was in a pretty good mood. I'd only been out once since the season started, and used the excuse of "really need to get the dog out..." Anyway, I get approved by congress, and after i get the youngest one down for a nap (another feather in my cap) I grab my gear and away we go. As I'm out the door, I get "You HAVE TO be home by 4. We have my x-mas party tonight, and....blah blah blah......" You guys know the drill. Anyway, I swear in blood I'll be back. We're off, and 35 minutes and one dead end later, we're approaching the spot. However, things are starting to look sour. All i can see for miles and miles is short grass pasture land. The WIHA spot was about a section large, so i started getting nervous. Needless to say, we come over a hill, lo and behold there is the turnpike towards wichita and if you've ever been that direction, you know exactly what was staring me in the face. I love the flint hills, but i was cursing them up and down as soon as i saw my walk in spot was nothing more than a HUGE prairie, complete with hills, limestone, and the works. No draws, no ponds, no trees. Nothing. I double check the atlas, and by golly it says there is quail there. But I don't have a good feeling. So, i get out of the truck, walk to the top of a bluff just to double check and see what was on the other side. Same thing for almost as far as the eye can see. Grrr....... I load up, scoot up to highway 50 to an old walk in sport by Strong City, only to find a rifle hunter hopping out of his pickup. By this time it was 3:15. I wanted to live to hunt again, so we headed for home. As I walk in I hear, "How was hunting?" I start to tell her, but realized she wasn't really listening, and her reply was "At least you got to get out. Maybe next week we can spend the day x-mas shopping?"
That sounds lovely dear. :(:(:(:(
lmao lol lol lol thats a good story dude im still laughing cmon who wears the pants theire lol i should be talking two divorces later im 42 and learned have to be more do things togeather NOT!
Thats never happened to me. My wife tells me I have to take the dogs out! so I go hunting about everyday. I know better than to argue with her so I just go.
I've been married almost 12 years now and my wife lets me pretty much do whatever I want whenever I want to. I'm pretty lucky though as she likes to hunt and fish almost as much as me....:D
I'm an old guy that has been married 35 years. I was lucky to marry a country girl who came from a hunting family. She knew when we got married that I hunt as often as I can. My compromise is that I do not fish or play golf so after hunting season I'm all hers. It's worked so far.
I'm an old guy that has been married 35 years. I was lucky to marry a country girl who came from a hunting family. She knew when we got married that I hunt as often as I can. My compromise is that I do not fish or play golf so after hunting season I'm all hers. It's worked so far.
NIce job on finding a lady like that, I told my wife when we started dating that I hunted and fished as much as I could and she didn't have a problem with it so I decided right then and there that she was a keeper....:D
I've been married 10 years and for the most part she lets me come and go as I please. Only thing that throws a screw into the mix is I'm also a high school football coach, so from August until November I'm never home before 7 in the evening, gone all night fridays, and then meetings saturday morning until 1 or 2. She's pretty much a single mom for 4 months, then comes hunting season..... But it's all good. :cheers:
Man, where do you keep your shells? In your purse next to your tampons?
No really, I'm just kidding. I have girls that are 4 years apart also, but they are grown now. One married, one in college. I remember the days. It won't be long till they can start tagging along with you. My girls knew that when the dog was pointing, they were on their own to keep up with me. You sound like you have a good handle on things. Spend a lot of time with those girls. Love and respect your wife and show them how a man is supposed to treat a lady. When they get older you won't have to worry about them as much.
Great post Professor...keep this one in mind...
5 years ago...when talking about what to get each other for Christmas....my wife said "surprise her" ( a big mistake). So Christmas Day she was looking at one of her gifts under the tree...I could tell she couldnt figure out what it was so I had her open up her other gifts first. She got to the last gift....much to her surprise...for Christmas...she got a brand new over and under 20 guage shotgun 26 inch barrel...all shiny . I got a look that would kill. Before you ask...we are still married....he he..that was 5 years ago...this year I think she is going to get a new vest. Film at 11. Doug
Ditto what Treedaddy said. You can compromise between a great family life and still enjoy hunting. I am available to do almost anything my family wants to do all year but during pheasant hunting season they know it is my special time.
I must be blessed

I hunt from mid Sept to March - archery deer, turkey, pheasant and quail, and duck n goose into the new year. (even got in an Elk hunt in Co this year)
I hunt mostly with my son, and we often hunt morning and evening or even all day at time (hunt 2-3 times a weekend) We clean game in the garage and kitchen sink and still do not have any problems. She never complains about my hunting and has even bought me one of my shotguns, and we have been married for 22 years.

I also golf and fish all spring and summer and still dont get any complaints.
Now my wife does not like venison or most wild fowl (but has tried it) and wont eat most fish and seafood, but will cook it. She hates shopping and loves watching football, hockey, and baseball. I must be REALLY BLESSED!!
(FYI - she does have sisters, but they are all married - sorry guys)
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