Early Season Grouse and Chickens..........and Snakes!


New member
Would like to do a late September hunt for Sharptails and Chickens. Never done them in South Dakota although we shoot a ton of Sharptails in ND every year. The only thing that bothers me are Snakes! What are peoples experience hunting them early season? Do you see many Rattle snakes or have you had any bad experiences with them? Thanks
Expect a lot of encounters! Been hunting early season warm weather for several years now and we encounter them nearly every day - almost all are prairie rattlers and they blend right into the terrain (as they are designed to do). A few strikes but no bites yet. I'm always aware of the route to nearest hospital just to be prepared.
I have been hunting them west river for the last 5 years starting opening day for 7 days each year and I have only seen 2 snakes total one we walked up on and one the dog found, but as hunter said they are there just depends on how your luck is running. I for one don't hunt near prairie dog towns for this reason.
Also note for your dog you can get a snake vaccination. This needs to be done in advance as it will need a booster. Some vets in the area will offer a shot while there, I have been told that is not the correct way to go. The initial shot needs to be done in summer or earlier then a follow up booster. When I used to hunt areas with a lot of rattlers I did this for my dogs. Luckily never found out how well it works as no dogs were bit but a few encounters.
I grew up sharptail hunting early season in far SW ND. We did well and most of the time hunted without dogs, because temperatures were almost always in the 70s and 80s in the afternoons. The prickly pair cactus and sand spurs were also common in many areas. Most warm days meant very easy hunting as the grouse held tight in the buffalo berry patches and shelterbelts.

Rattle snakes tend to move to winter community dens in September. We rarely encountered rattlesnakes, but when we did we often heard / saw many (up to a dozen) in that general location. We learned to hunt other areas that were more void of these rattlers.
Thanks. Still not 100% sure I can sell the group on going early while the snakes are out, but will still try!