Dusky Grouse


New member
My 5 month old comes home today after one month with Steve Chang. I had a chance to go out and train with him for a day and I am amazed on how awesome he is. I was thinking of getting up Grouse hunting a couple of times before pheasant opener. I was wondering if anyone in here hunts grouse in the Rockies. I have seen them up where I hunt deer and elk but not sure i want to go shooting shooting around there so close to black powder opener and I am sure bow hunters would not appreciate it also. So is there grouse in areas I would not disturb big game hunters?
Grouse are a fun bird and a great chance to get the pup on birds prior to pheasant season. I have only bumped into one elk hunter while actually hunting for grouse and he wasn't upset we were out there. I typically don't get far enough back into the woods to be messing with the elk hunters but I can understand the concern. What kind of pup do you own?
It is almost inevitable to not run into or at least see some big game hunters while Grouse hunting since the seasons coincide. There is a small window begining of Oct. that you will have roughly 2 weeks of the public ground without big game hunters in most units anyway! Some of the trophy units have a early rifle in early Oct. and I would shy away from those units. You can understand the 15-25 year wait to hunt big game in these units and the reaction one might get to be bird hunting in there during this time!!:cheers:
Uh oh, here we go again with the "dusky/blue grouse" thread :p

Chad, I thought you were organizing a group hunt thing :thumbsup:

I found a place (about 4 1/2hr drive) saw more grouse than Hillary has deleted e-mails, however it was during 2nd rifle season and I would imagine I go back during actual grouse season with my dogs and not see a one:eek:

Good luck,


I have seen some elk hunting around eagle. I think I will head up the weekend before black powder opener to set up camp and get the dog out so its not a waste of time.
Uh oh, here we go again with the "dusky/blue grouse" thread :p

Chad, I thought you were organizing a group hunt thing :thumbsup:

I found a place (about 4 1/2hr drive) saw more grouse than Hillary has deleted e-mails, however it was during 2nd rifle season and I would imagine I go back during actual grouse season with my dogs and not see a one:eek:

Good luck,


Greg that is the plan!!! I may be camp bitch, but at least I can get out and enjoy the outdoors a little at a time. Took Vi out turkey hunting and she shot a nice Merriams jake. I went back out and sat for 2 hours and could of shot another jake but didn't. Next morning I could barely move but went out and sat for an hour and just could not take it anymore. As I was walking into the house 2 jakes ran around the corner. After I layed down and stretched for several hours I looked out and saw the tom attacking my decoy!! Figures!!! I could not take my meds as I had to drive back home. But watching her get her turkey was worth all the bs to my back. I posted a pic in the Kansas forum under the Long lived drought ends at the Ponderosa thread!!:cheers:
Greg that is the plan!!! I may be camp bitch, but at least I can get out and enjoy the outdoors a little at a time. Took Vi out turkey hunting and she shot a nice Merriams jake. I went back out and sat for 2 hours and could of shot another jake but didn't. Next morning I could barely move but went out and sat for an hour and just could not take it anymore. As I was walking into the house 2 jakes ran around the corner. After I layed down and stretched for several hours I looked out and saw the tom attacking my decoy!! Figures!!! I could not take my meds as I had to drive back home. But watching her get her turkey was worth all the bs to my back. I posted a pic in the Kansas forum under the Long lived drought ends at the Ponderosa thread!!:cheers:

Good for her :thumbsup: I know you were a proud daddy :10sign::cheers:

Yeah, I am thinking next year I am going to look at doing some turkey hunting....haven't really ever done it here....only when growing up down in Texas.....when I was younger....I am ready for grouse season already....my nearly 3yr old yellow lab male, Remi, got his Advanced Pointing retriever title and I am busy working and training him and doing some tests....

Thanks Chad.....can't wait
Greg - when I left the test Saturday, there were 5 turkeys on the road that were crossing over to the testing grounds.
I've been scouting for dusky grouse and haven't had much luck. I am wondering if all the percipitation that has helped out the plains has hurt the mountain birds . . . ?
Where have you been scouting? They are down low in summer and migrate UP slope in the fall which is when most hunters encounter them. You won't find them in August where you'll find them in September.
surefire - I believe you are correct - locate them in the later Summer, and then hunt them in the Fall above that late-Summer habitat.
I run my dogs in grouse habitat a lot and usually don't have too many bird encounters until later in August. I know there are adult birds with chicks in the area as I have seen them on the road but my dogs have a hard time picking up on them. Come September 1st though we always get into them. I don't know if it's tough scenting conditions or if young grouse don't put off much scent...
I like the idea of hunting grouse, but actually hunting them is another story. When the dog finds and flushes some, I'm sucking air and in no way ready to shoot. If you have young legs and lungs, good luck to ya :thumbsup: