Hunted 11 Mile yesterday, was amazed at the number of birds as well as the number of idiots. Managed three teal out of two flights and one wigeon (my favorite bird) that came in as a single. My buddy bagged four one mallard and he tripled on one of the flights of teal. Someone needs to educate folks about sky busting, setting up too close, and shooting birds working someone elses rig. My usual ploy when someone sets up too close is to invite them to hunt with me, but the guys that did that yesterday were not anyone I would want near me EVER!!! Hope this is not a prelude to Phez season.
Speaking of Phez season, I'll be heading to Kansas for the opener. My gunner from Iraq back in 03, is my best huntig buddy ( the guy with weimereiner sp?). We've hunted together since he was a Private, almost 13 years now. Anyway he has some property out there around Cedar Bluffs campground. There will be eight of us and six dogs. I'm super pumped up. Bought three boxes of #5s, a box of 3" #5s, and some high brass #7 1/2s in case there are some quail, which I'm told there are
. Almost picked up some #4s but figured that would be a little much for early season.To me Phez are like ducks you can't over kill them, well unless they flush within 10 yds.
Have a Good 'Urn,
Speaking of Phez season, I'll be heading to Kansas for the opener. My gunner from Iraq back in 03, is my best huntig buddy ( the guy with weimereiner sp?). We've hunted together since he was a Private, almost 13 years now. Anyway he has some property out there around Cedar Bluffs campground. There will be eight of us and six dogs. I'm super pumped up. Bought three boxes of #5s, a box of 3" #5s, and some high brass #7 1/2s in case there are some quail, which I'm told there are
Have a Good 'Urn,