Downed tree structures with pics


New member
Man I've been busy the past couple of weeks with the chainsaw. I've cleared about a two acre glade area on a south facing slope that had a lot of cedars creeping in plus I've been "building" some downed tree structures by hinge cutting and standard cutting of lots of trees. This first pic is of part of my south facing slope, I dont go to the treeline, my fence is just beyond the edge of the cedars. However I'd like to get my neighbor on board and clear off his south slope and let it return to a glade.



These next few pics are of an area that will be at the end of my upcoming shrub planting area. The amount of cover here is awesome and should work out very good. Some of the stuff was hinge cut and some wasn't. This first pic is taken from the south slope pictured earlier and looking across the bottom


More pics of this same area. Most of the trees in here are hackberry and they hinge cut very well as you can see.




This should provide a living brushpile so to speak for many years giving good cover to birds as well as deer.
Looks good, but I can't help think of the wood left there. :eek:

I recently started down the path of using wood for heat and am no longer hinging anything. I've also been taking the trunks and only leaving branches for wildlife. I'm still aiming for stem density - just will take a year or two of growth instead of being instant like those DTSs.