Dove Opener Windy but Birdy


Well-known member
Drove through a strong south wind from Lawrence to Sheridan County to dove hunt yesterday evening's opener. The wind kept blowing but the doves kept coming in, about 80 in all. We four bagged 30. The birds coming in from the south with the wind were pretty safe. The ones coming directly into the wind had the shortest life expectancy, particularly when they hovered to have a look at us before deciding what to do next.
Love to hunt Doves. In Indiana, we hunt around Sunflower plantings and water...seems like they always have to come into water.

When my oldest Brittany was a pup, I'd take her out with me, and send her after a downed bird.

Lots of shells...not a whole lot of Doves.
Love to hunt Doves. In Indiana, we hunt around Sunflower plantings and water...seems like they always have to come into water.

When my oldest Brittany was a pup, I'd take her out with me, and send her after a downed bird.

Lots of shells...not a whole lot of Doves.

Thanks for your reply. We shot off a bunch of shells too. Our technique was the same as yours probably: waiting by a windmill pond for them to take their evening drink. My hunting buddy brings his Brittany along to handle retrieves. Great fun and I'm planning a nice meal with them.
Sounds like you had a blast...I was hunting on the south side of sunflower feild and there was some hunters on the north side, well all the birds was coming in on the north side so I got left over birds, and by the time they got to me there moters was really running. 8 birds in total and I think the first two died of a heart attack..:mad: :D