Dog Journal


New member
Anybody keep a journal regarding their dog and hunts with him/her? If so, what information are you recording? Using a dog/hunting specific journal or just a regular blank journal?

I used to journal a lot of my various hunts but not so much anymore. With a new dog, I’m planning on journaling hunts with him beginning this fall so as to track flushes, retrieves, species etc. just wondering what more experienced gun dog owners are doing for record/stat keeping.

Any stats you wished you kept for your dog from the beginning that you didn’t?
Just start! Don't wait. Do it whichever way it happens to turn out. Write about whatever comes to mind.

I somewhat frequently threaten to start a journal. I even have a nice, leather bound one. But I haven't yet for some strange reason. That said, I keep other types of records. I keep the 2 long tail feathers from each rooster & sort of have them organized by dog. Occasionally, if a bird is presented to me missing feathers, I'm able to go to where the carnage occurred & find the long ones. I've taken many hours of hunting GoPro footage the last 4 seasons & have made quite a few videos, the main purpose of which is to watch my dog. I take many, many pictures of my dog, especially with roosters during pheasant season. I've tried in the past to keep written record of our hunts, with statistics, but have really only been consistently successful this past season, when I started a list on my phone with just the date & # of birds we got. The only other thing I can think of is in my top dresser drawer are 2 collars. I see them every morning & am happily reminded of the great hunts we had together. Writing about them on a Saturday night is a little difficult though, it seems. Per Nike, just do it!
I have two notebooks, starting in 86. I leaf through them once in a while. I know that I hunted to much, some years over 100 days, counting quail, Phez, squirrels, doves, rabbits, and turkeys. Then somehow managed to shoot a lot of clay and fish in the summer. No wonder that 1st wife didn't last to long. Do I regret it? What do you think!!:LOL:
I bought a nice leather bound journal last summer with my name engraved on it and took it with me to SD. Made myself record each days events including where, what dogs, land owners we may have visited and such in it. Also put a little sub note with how many I killed of the total versus how many my buddy killed, not that it’s a competition. My plan is to do that each year so over time have something to reference back to and re live those memories. Also guess my hope is someone stumbles over this at some point after I’m gone and gets some small joy in reading about our exploits and such.
I bought a nice leather bound journal last summer with my name engraved on it and took it with me to SD. Made myself record each days events including where, what dogs, land owners we may have visited and such in it. Also put a little sub note with how many I killed of the total versus how many my buddy killed, not that it’s a competition. My plan is to do that each year so over time have something to reference back to and re live those memories. Also guess my hope is someone stumbles over this at some point after I’m gone and gets some small joy in reading about our exploits and such.
Not a competition?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: