Dog Box


New member
I have a new dog box, made out of plywood for the back of my pickup. Before I paint it I need to put some air holes in it. How many should I make and where should they be placed? Thanks for your help.
My dog box has a 6"x10" vent in the side filled with expanded metal and a sliding cover that I can close it off if need be.
Crusader- I have a dog box I made out of plywood to fit my Taurus SW

just finished making a new one to fit my 08 Escape- it's devided- has two doors
40"X34"X 21"- the 4 Britt's like it- and it's not so big I can't easily see out the back window

with a jigsaw I cut an opening 3"X11" in each back and side of both of the compartments 4" below the top- if I am going to camp I set it outside, if it rains or is real cold I'll cover it- provides good ventilation in this warm climate

I don't paint mine- I use Helsmans inside and out- couple coats and I can wash it inside and leave it out in the weather- makes a nice dog house for when you need it-
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