I went out to Holyoke a few weeks back and it seemed that way as well. I didn't see many birds myself except for one spot we found in Holyoke. There was a lot of other hunters around. I think that there is too much pressure in that area and it's late season. If there was a lot of snow, the birds could of been sitting tight. Need dogs to help locate them. You could of easily walked right over or past them.
I had a rooster I knew was in the field cause I tickled him with a shot. He went down running. I took my dogs out to find him. I was following his tracks in the snow all the way to the end of the field. I seen where his tracks stopped and I was saying where did he go.... He took flight right in my face. I never seen him still and there was literally no cover. The dogs were 20 yards ahead and going birdy crazy. Those late season roosters are smart.
I will be out Monday with my 12 year old son, my brother and his son, if you want to meet up to walk some fields. I have a young GSP and a 3 year old pointing lab. I have a nice spot I work that holds a lot of birds but the field is big.