Cut tongue to massive pulmonary hemorrhage

i took my little buddy (avatar) out for a short hunt Friday he's now 2 1/2. Got a 3/4 inch cut on top of his tongue in some bluestem. It was worse, and bleeding worse than i've witnessed before. got him to my vet of 25years within 40 minutes, calm, but still dripping blood, no coughing or snorting. 4 hours later i get the call. well, we got ready to knock him out to do a routine tongue suture and he started bleeding profusely out of the trach tube and nostrils, 2 litres bright fresh blood. The vets best guess, 1 exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage. 2 did he get into rat poison. 3 ehrlichia caused blood issue. Both veets that i talked to were puzzled, and are trying to cover all the bases
Since he wasn't bleeding from the nose, coughing, or hacking anytime while with me, i don't think #1 applies. #2 I do have some rat poison that he hasn't had access to, very slim chance he could have eaten a dead rat, the poison was last used 4 weeks ago inside a closed shed. he could have been poisoned, who knows these days. #3 He was found to have ehrichia in a blood test 6months, and treated with doxycycline.
I questioned the trach tube, or the trach tube forcing an object in that cut his lungs. supposedly he started gushing blood after laying on the table, and the trach tube saved him from drowning in the blood. the blood coag test did not conclusively show bleeding issue. came home with doxycycline, prenisone, and vitamin K. Come back for a blood test in 10 days. The dog seems fine considering losing most of his blood, hes a little pale, but would gladly hunt right now if i would let him. we are trying to help him rebuild his blood supply. He has not coughed since we picked him up.
Has anyone ever seen or heard of this happening?
Correction, what i called a trach tube, is more likely a breathing tube inserted thru the throat after some sedation. Several hours of internet searching, and i'm not finding anything close to this situation, or any likely reason why.