live to hunt pheasant
New member
Interesting therory i have ! In the 3 mile area around my house, i have alot of crp ground that has been in for 15-20 years. So when i have hunted , even when the population was down i saw lots of birds.... Is it possible that the increase of crp ground in my neighborhood, "7 new parcels totaling aprox. 500 acres has created more coverage for the amount of birds that we have in this area? The 160 acres i hunted sat and and sunday and another 25 acres, produced 1 rooster and 4 hens... In the past 5 years when we didnt have many birds i would always see 20-30 birds, on this same ground..... Probably a good problem for the future of the pheasants, but sure making it hard on me and the dog !!! Have a happy holiday