Coot gets mad at the younger generation

Yep I scared the S### out of a bunch of teenieboppers:D The little kiddies found some fireworks and decided to scare my calves:mad: Well they scared them alright right out of the pen:mad: When I got there I let them buttbrains have it I dropped the F bomb alot and told them I was going to put them fireworks up their a$$es and light them:eek: It's fun scaring kids kinda reminded me of the good old days wen I was the one getting yelled at:D At least my nephew was in the house with his Girlfriend:thumbsup: You guys have any good stories of educating the younger generation?
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kids in the neighborhood use to ride skateboards down the middle of the street and wouldnt get out of the way. i had an ahuga horn on truck. pulled up behind them blew horn. they jumped straight up in the air and came back straight down but thier skateboards kept going.:D they landed on the ground. after that they got out of my way.