Colorado - Week 5

Another weekend has come and gone with another day in the field spent with my GSP, cousin and his labs. Started in our usual WIA with no birds flushed so off to a new WIA close by. On our way we stopped by a farmers house and asked if we could hunt a piece of his land but he reply he doesn't let anyone hunt but thanked us for asking. We walked the new WIA that had heavy cover on the side of the hill but spars up on the plateau. On the edge of the the heavy cover the labs flushed 3 hens and a rooster just a bit out of reach of my cousins side by side but he threw lead anyways because they just don't fall out of the sky dead for no reason. nothing else so off to another WIA that we have found a good number of birds in but usually hunt it later in the morning around lunch time. We wanted to try it earlier to see what happens and unless someone else had already hit it it did not produce a bird making us think that maybe this is an area that is better later around mid day. With much anticipation we headed to our private property and as usual spent 10 -15 minutes talking to him before hitting his corrals and our usual pattern. This is where it all started to go wrong, you know when you walk a certain area for 4 weeks and nothing so your guard is down well that was us and out of the junk pile and brush jump 3 roosters and 2 hens with out one shot being fired, crap! Okay shack it off and move on. Crossing the road into a wheat field we walked to the point on where the two corn circles come together but this time we did the rookie mistake and stopped before the end seeing the cover getting pretty spars and figuring there is nothing there. Dahhh, up they come 4 roosters and 3 hens from the very tip catching us unready and left us feeling pretty upset with ourselves for not walking it out. After beating ourselves up for a bit we continued to our right where one of the labs put a rooster and 3 hens up in front of cousin who made a good shot and drop him for his new pup to retrieve. After a bite to eat we headed for another farmers tree line where just as we started a rooster busted from the trees and fell to my shot giving me the big smile and reassuring i can hit them. As we split a ditch with hay bails on my side my GSP got ahead of my cousin and bumped 4 roosters to far for him and catching me not ready so just throwing lead and putting me back to questioning my shooting ability, crap again. So after a heart to heart with Orley we finished our day out with no more flushes or bad shooting.

We headed home talking about what happened and how to not repeat it but we did have a sense of accomplishment with one bird each and no one hurt, besides our pride.
Thanks for the report. Made the same mistake. Need to finish the walk.

Last travel week of work. I am going to plan to head out a few times before the new year.