Colorado Quail Hunters?


New member
Just curious if there are others on the forum that focus primarily on quail in Colorado. You sure hear a lot about pheasants, but what about quail? It is starting to seem like I am the only one lol!
Last year was the first time I hunted them and I had an absolute blast! I'll be hunting them exclusively in December, stacking it with my antelope hunts. Something about kicking out a covey, missing all of them but some unexplained devine intervention by the quail gods, then chasing the little groups down. I'm hooked.
Just curious if there are others on the forum that focus primarily on quail in Colorado. You sure hear a lot about pheasants, but what about quail? It is starting to seem like I am the only one lol!

If you're going after scales; get some good boots for your dogs. I've never found enough bobs to hunt in Colorado. Where are you hunting?
Glad to see some other quail lovers are out there. I mostly hunt bobs, but do chase scales as much as possible. Grew up in colorado hunting primarily quail and blue grouse, it is a good quail state IMO but private access is key to success. And yeah the scale country can be rough on a dog. Just have never found a boot that will stay on. Best thing I have found are the leather ones. Actually started making my own because I lose so many haha.
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I went to Kansas Saturday night and came across a nice covey of quail by accident. Shot two then ran out of hunting light. From what I understand to get into any Bob whites you should hunt along the river in the Northeast. It is a bird I would definitely hunt again after a little more research.
I have never seen any wild quail in Colorado. Stumbled across a covey east of Goodland, KS. I was shooting #4 shot, late season and knew that there wouldn't be much left of the quail.