Colorado 2015-2016 Week 4

Saturday finds myself and my cousin sitting at a WIA waiting for legal hunting time to come watching the orange glow across the prairie. With start time upon us we release the hounds and head out into the field. After a nice point on a hen we put up three roosters in front of my cousin and one by me, with shots ringing out in the quiet morning I had my first bird of the day. We finished walking the field out with a couple hens taking flight and feeling that its about time to shed a layer of clothing.

Same routine at the next WIA getting everyone out of the truck into the field walking on the edge of the red and yellow grass. Pushed a couple hens out Orley was getting birdy then seemed to lose the scent so I let her get just out of range when she stopped but to late 4 roosters jumped, to far for my cousin and myself but I took a shot at one but thought to myself that was a waste why did I do that. Wouldn't you know it as I was loading the round in another rooster takes flight directly at me so I'm fumbling the shell in closing the barrel and shooting off balance watching it keep on flying, "crap". With some polite advise from my cousin on keeping Orley close and apologies for my mistake we headed on finishing the field with nothing else being flushed. It bothered me that I let her get out of shot range but my cousin kept telling me to not beat myself up we will get into them again.

After arriving and talking to the land owner we headed out into the wheat field picking up a couple rooster and letting a few go with a stern warning we will get them next time. The wind had been blowing pretty strong most of the day and the birds took advantage of it looking like mini jet fighters with the afterburners on. My third and final bird of the day came at 12:45, what a great feeling knowing that all of our hard work has paid off even with the missed shots. We hunted for a few more hours looking for two more for my cousin to shot until we all even the dogs were so tired of fighting the wheat, wind, and time we called it a day and headed home.

Like all my other post we had a great time in the field and look forward to the next weekend we can get the pups out and chase those beautiful pheasant.