Colorado 2015-2016 Week 3

If I was to title this weeks blog it would have to be "Keeping the Ammo Manufactures in Business"

Started out in a WIA to warm up our legs from the drive and that's just what we did, just walked. Back to the truck and on to the private property we have permission to hunt. As I put the truck in park about 5 roosters flew from the cut corn to the wheat one had one of it's landing gear down which made me think it was the one I hit last weekend, so we knew where we were starting. My cousin and I along with our pups headed to the wheat and watched about 16 birds take flight from the tree row to our right. As we rounded the bottom of the field a rooster took flight in front of my cousin coming across me also and wouldn't you know it it was the one with his leg hanging down. That's a lucky bird flying around our 4 shots. Not to much farther another rooster jumps and glides to the ground from my cousins shot, what happened next was truly amazing. Both his labs were on it quickly running around trying to find it, His older pup 3 1/2 started running up the field and ended up what we figured had to be 300 yards away grabbing the running bird and bringing it back to him a bit tired but never gave up. That was the longest tracking and retrieve I have ever seen, very impressed with her, what a good girl.

The rest of the day (until 2:10) we jumped birds everywhere we walked with great points and retrieves. This was another great day with us both limiting out by 2:10 after what we figured was around 45 shots to get 6 birds. We laughed the day away from our poor shooting and had to keep adding more shells to our pockets and empty out the spent shells.

It was another great day in the field with the anticipation of the next adventure hunting Colorado pheasant.
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If I was to title this weeks blog it would have to be "Keeping the Ammo Manufactures in Business"

Started out in a WIA to warm up our legs from the drive and that's just what we did, just walked. Back to the truck and on to the private property we have permission to hunt. As I put the truck in park about 5 roosters flew from the cut corn to the wheat one had one of it's landing gear down which made me think it was the one I hit last weekend, so we knew where we were starting. My cousin and I along with our pups headed to the wheat and watched about 16 birds take flight from the tree row to our right. As we rounded the bottom of the field a rooster took flight in front of my cousin coming across me also and wouldn't you know it it was the one with his leg hanging down. That's a lucky bird flying around our 4 shots. Not to much farther another rooster jumps and glides to the ground from my cousins shot, what happened next was truly amazing. Both his labs were on it quickly running around trying to find it, His older pup 3 1/2 started running up the field and ended up what we figured had to be 300 yards away grabbing the running bird and bringing it back to him a bit tired but never gave up. That was the longest tracking and retrieve I have ever seen, very impressed with her, what a good girl.

The rest of the day (until 2:10) we jumped birds everywhere we walked with great points and retrieves. This was another great day with us both limiting out by 2:10 after what we figured was around 45 shots to get 6 birds. We laughed the day away from our poor shooting and had to keep adding more shells to our pockets and empty out the spent shells.

It was another great day in the field with the anticipation of the next adventure hunting Colorado pheasant.

Congrats on another great day of hunting. After shooting a limit the previous week I went back out this past Saturday. I came back with nothing - I saw birds but they were very spooky the whole day. Never had a good shot at any roosters. Some days the birds win....;)
Probably saw 100 birds this weekend but couldn't hit my truck if I was standing five feet from it. Probably shot a box of shells for 2 pheasants and 2 quail. The majority of the birds were found in the sunflower fields. We did see 3 coyotes also and I'll be taking my Foxpro out there on Wednesday to try and shoot a couple yotes after I try my luck on the pheasants again. Cheers.