Cold weather coming again


New member
It looks like you guys, in the mid-west are in for more below 0 weather. Will spring ever get here? Better bundle up. Brrrrrrrrr:eek:
yea 4 out of the next 5 nights are below zero. N WI is in for another BRUTAL round of cold. We still have tons of snow and ice on the ground as well. The ten day forecast is depressing. Not predicted to top 20 degrees the next 10 days??? Good grief
Yeah nuts for sure. MN is going to smash all records for -zero for the most days during the Winter season. Probably snowfall too.
Global warming? maybe, I guess. :eek:

Hell, I have a new kayak/NuCanoe coming this week & it snowed in the desert this morning! Oh well, I need a few days to rig the thing. This is my post-retirement exercise/stealthy/stand-up fly-fishing craft that I can more easily get in to tough places. Way faster than my float tube and faster than my pram (but not as dry, tho easier to haul & get to the water.). It also completes my fleet, lol.
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My sentiments exactly. Hey, BC . . . we can BOTH speak fluent Coot . . .
Damn its cold was in the Bahamas last week. im so cold now my sunburn is numb. left the airport and went to my truck at the hotel and it was froze to the ground after the blizzard last week. that totally sucked!!!!!!! glad I had 4 wheel drive. had to just put it in gear and slowly let foot off brake them stop and put in reverse. had to do this several times. didn't want to spin rims and flatten tires. took awhile to get all 4 tires broke free:eek:
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My sentiments exactly. Hey, BC . . . we can BOTH speak fluent Coot . . .

I'm just repeating what the old home room nun use to say at the beginning of every school year when she saw coots name on her class list:cheers::D