Cold but prosperous


Active member
Wind chill hit -25 where we were hunting on Saturday. Just did what we call hit and runs. Heavy cover and short walks. We didn't start until 1 pm on Saturday. Hunted until about 3pm. Birds were bunched up and exploded like quail coveys when we found them. Managed to bag 5 in spite of the conditions.

Sunday was better as the temps rose quickly to the mid teens and into the 20's by lunchtime. Birds went back to their run away habits as there was but an 1" or so of snow. Longer walks with descent results. Plus another chicken was bagged.... 12-17-2016_zpsygbhkovk.jpg 12-18-2016_zpsd0q52htc.jpg.html
Great pics! Three of us ventured out Saturday and experienced the same thing. Got our 3 man limit by noon. Cold but really fun day.
Thanks.. It was a fun time.. Nice to actually see birds bunched up and not running like they were trying out for the Kentucky Derby.:)
Very Nice! I was out Saturday on WIA north of Kit Carson and the first field i hit the dog flushed 4 hens and then we didn't see another bird for the next 5 hours.