CO Limit 01-08-15


Well I decided to take a day and work from home last Friday;). I headed out at about 6am to Eastern CO. I wanted to get my 1 year Brit on some birds and with the snow coming down I figured it should be decent. With he snow coming down it took me over two hours to get to my destination. I worked the my first WIA of the day and put up one hen. I am thinking well it is the usual see a few hens and try to bag a rooster. Well decided to go hit a spot I know always produces a few birds. I get in the field with both dogs my pointing lab and my britt. We work short side into the wind and they start locking up points left and right. I kick up a hen, another hen, another hen, and well you guessed it...more hens. Push the end of the field and nothing else. So I start heading back to the direction we came from and I look up on the road and a rooster is running across it. I picked up the pace figuring they were just being smart and just circled around us. As I get about 80 yards from the end about 6-7 roosters flew out. I say to myself well if there was several there has to be more.

So I decide to work that side of the field with a cross wind and not even 20 yds in, the dogs go on point and I put down the first rooster of the day. Get that bird and start working the field again and the dogs are getting birdy the entire time. I put up another 4-5 roosters and just flat out missed an easy shot on a nice flush. I walk another 20 yds. and one rooster goes up next to my feet and I put the bead on him and just flat out missed again and my gun didn't cycle the next round :eek:. I am get ting really frustrated at this point and start heading back to the truck. I am low on shells and needed to take a break and check out my gun. Well I reload and my pointing lab goes on point. I walk up and out comes a rooster and a hen simultaneously. It took me two shots to get the rooster down but he is winged and goes down about 30 yds. ahead. I walk over with the dogs my lab goes on point again. Rooster gets up and I mounted my gun and missed again but this time I only had one shot and the rooster just kept on flying. Thinking I should be done limited and heading home.

I drive to the other side of the field. We get about 150 yards in the field and Jango myBritt goes on point. I fired two shots but bring him down finally.. I have two in the bag at this point. I am contemplating going home at this point and calling it a day especially walking through that hard crunchy thick snow. I decided heck let's just try one more field and see if we can get our limit. Sure enough we push to the end of the cornfield and nothing. We start walking back down wind and Jango goes on point in the wind. I walk over to see and out comes the rooster and it took me three shots to finally take him down. What a day it was and the wind and snow made it tough for me to make good shots or at least that is what I am blaming it on ;). Pup grew up quite a bit and had some great points and even a nice retrieve as you can see in the video below. Here is the pic and I will try and my gopro youtube link. Good luck in the final weeks!! :cheers:


Sorry about the blurry video on the first bird. Trying to get my filming skills down LOL.

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britts are a pain in the ass in a really nice kind of way. no, I take that back; they're just a pain in the ass :)
After hunting with these guys(Brits ) for over 35 years . They are some of the most cunning and smart dogs I have seen . Sometimes leaves you scratching your head and smiling at the same time .
Well done! I must say that I am really envious. I think my season is over.....but you never know. I liked the video. Try to point the lens up so we can see the action ahead of you. Dog work was great.
Well I decided to take a day and work from home last Friday;). I headed out at about 6am to Eastern CO. I wanted to get my 1 year Brit on some birds and with the snow coming down I figured it should be decent. With he snow coming down it took me over two hours to get to my destination. I worked the my first WIA of the day and put up one hen. I am thinking well it is the usual see a few hens and try to bag a rooster. Well decided to go hit a spot I know always produces a few birds. I get in the field with both dogs my pointing lab and my britt. We work short side into the wind and they start locking up points left and right. I kick up a hen, another hen, another hen, and well you guessed it...more hens. Push the end of the field and nothing else. So I start heading back to the direction we came from and I look up on the road and a rooster is running across it. I picked up the pace figuring they were just being smart and just circled around us. As I get about 80 yards from the end about 6-7 roosters flew out. I say to myself well if there was several there has to be more.

So I decide to work that side of the field with a cross wind and not even 20 yds in, the dogs go on point and I put down the first rooster of the day. Get that bird and start working the field again and the dogs are getting birdy the entire time. I put up another 4-5 roosters and just flat out missed an easy shot on a nice flush. I walk another 20 yds. and one rooster goes up next to my feet and I put the bead on him and just flat out missed again and my gun didn't cycle the next round :eek:. I am get ting really frustrated at this point and start heading back to the truck. I am low on shells and needed to take a break and check out my gun. Well I reload and my pointing lab goes on point. I walk up and out comes a rooster and a hen simultaneously. It took me two shots to get the rooster down but he is winged and goes down about 30 yds. ahead. I walk over with the dogs my lab goes on point again. Rooster gets up and I mounted my gun and missed again but this time I only had one shot and the rooster just kept on flying. Thinking I should be done limited and heading home.

I drive to the other side of the field. We get about 150 yards in the field and Jango myBritt goes on point. I fired two shots but bring him down finally.. I have two in the bag at this point. I am contemplating going home at this point and calling it a day especially walking through that hard crunchy thick snow. I decided heck let's just try one more field and see if we can get our limit. Sure enough we push to the end of the cornfield and nothing. We start walking back down wind and Jango goes on point in the wind. I walk over to see and out comes the rooster and it took me three shots to finally take him down. What a day it was and the wind and snow made it tough for me to make good shots or at least that is what I am blaming it on ;). Pup grew up quite a bit and had some great points and even a nice retrieve as you can see in the video below. Here is the pic and I will try and my gopro youtube link. Good luck in the final weeks!! :cheers:


Sorry about the blurry video on the first bird. Trying to get my filming skills down LOL.


Nice job!!! Sometimes it is more fun to get some shooting in... 3 shells 3 birds is o.k. once in awhile!!!:thumbsup:
x2 bro :thumbsup: they are an acquired taste

Yes only those with well developed palates can handle the Britt.

Nice video, I think your shooting problem is that the gun is coming up to the wrong shoulder.:D
I would say it's been a really good year for birds and was perfect to put this guy on birds all season long.

Here is a pic from the Nebraska opener.

Here is pic from 3 weeks ago.

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I would say it's been a really good year for birds and was perfect to put this guy on birds all season long.

Here is a pic from the Nebraska opener.

Here is pic from 3 weeks ago.

You are having a nice year!!!:cheers: