Chicken report

I must say I have seen a lot of chickens this spring:thumbsup: Roosters making all sorts of noise in the morning and evenings. anything positive going on in the rest of the state?
Drove from Ankeny to Emmetsburg on Saturday for my cousins grad party. I didn't see any chicks but counted 4 birds on my way up and about dozen on the way back.
Saw 4 chicks this morning with Momma and they could fly. Quail-sized but still a sight for sore eyes!:)

Hoping we have some more great nesting weather! I checked my journal and have sighted chicks this early before. Does not mean a great fall is a sure thing but I am hopeful.:D
maybe I wasn't seeing things the other day. Walking through the CRP little pheasant looking birds would fly aways ahead of me. I was thinking no way this early. never seen any that early before. I learn something everyday:)
Wow...that's some good news guys. Thanks for sharing that info with us.

It's official; Iowa has wild pheasant chicks on the ground--spring 2014:thumbsup::cheers:
I haven't personally seen any chicks yet, not that I've been looking. I did have a post on my Facebook page about seeing a hen with ? 16 or 17 chicks in the Clay county area (Spencer, Ia)

I will say I was pleasantly surprised the last day I hunted last season. I happened to hunt a piece of state ground with another guy. In about a 1 1/2hours, we had seen well over one hundred birds. Of course they were flushing several hundred yards wild and heading for the cattails. I did manage to knock one down through foggy glasses but could never find it.
i drive to my favorite spots every saturday around my neck of the woods, ive spotted 6 different mommies with good numbers of chicks. its been very good weather this spring and were thers good habitat im banking there will be some good numbers.
i dont think the heavy rains will hurt much as long as ditches and other areas dont get flooded out, its bean plenty warm out so that really helps also with the rain and high humidity we are getting alot of bugs so chick food source is also good. im also a pretty positive person though lol:thumbsup:
3 groups of big baby pheasant last night while driving down the road:thumbsup: Hens are putting in over time for us hunters this year. Man I thought I was at a SD tame pheasant release party:)
I took my son to camp in Minnesota yesterday and then used it as an opportunity to scout some on the way home in the Spencer area. I drove for about 45 minutes around WMAs this morning starting about 6:45. The following is my tally: one hen with a very young brood:rolleyes: of about 8 which couldn't fly yet (likely less than 10 days old), 3 roosters, 2 does, one with a Bambi, and more cottontails than you can count.

Not sure whether to be depressed or encouraged by the prospects of a late hatch. Cover is wonderful and lots of bugs.

Kirk :confused: