central cal pheasants


New member
losing all our wild birds in the central valley cal. i had to turn to club birds. most were disapointing. i stumbled across a club called ace high adventures in central california...he has pheasants,three kinds of quails,and chucker. he has a quality stock of birds that are as like wild as you need. they have a 6 thousand acre ranch with natural cover to hunt on in helm ca. they even have non blindered bird that very challanging even for those with good dogs!

oh sweet i live up in redding and there is nothing to shoot up here.

I am part of Wilderness unlimited its fantastic if you dont mind spending a little money.
they lease land and a few pheasant places are adjacent to big clubs so they have a good amount birds.

you can also buy birds for like $20 and there fun to.

I am 16 and its nice not tp have to fight for birds or blinds you might want to look into it
dakota hunting

google (acehighadventures.com) owner is Keith.....good guy, will accomidate just about any need. they are scheduled to have there club opener 10-17.. birds, BBQ, raffle. meet and great. ill be there. made the last 5 yrs. if you have dogs bring them. if you dont let keith know and he can supply dogs, and or dogs with handlerswith ever works best for you.

mention "fat dog" if you talk to him. he will know me and you have spoke. thats one of my semi retired dogs... shes like the club mascott.