Burlington CO area tips


New member
Me, four buddies and two dogs will be camping and hunting around Seiburt this weekend.

Hoping for some pointers and tips, and yes this late in season without a chance to go back I'd love some areas to check out. Not trying to be lazy just trying to be effective. I've hunted around Yuma by myself and we'll head that way on Sunday if we're not having any luck between Seibert and Burlington on Saturday.

Thanks guys and if your interested in meeting up let me know.
Grab a walk-in atlas, and find grass next to corn or milo.

Once you are in the area, and have hunted the first field, knock on doors of likely-looking cover (got to give them time to finish breakfast).

Good luck! I will just be hunting Saturday, but I am looking forward to it. Snow is forecast for Friday and Saturday, so conditions will be different than most weekends.
Got the Atlas and narrowed down to three fields to pick from to start Saturday morning.

Damn excited about the snow.
Where are you guys seeing snow??? Intellicast is showing snow on Sunday after 10am..... Would love to have some falling snow on Saturday for sure.
Yes, they have moved the snow forecast to Sunday, instead of Friday and Saturday. This morning it was Friday and Saturday. Bummer! I was looking forward to the snow! Maybe I will have to play hooky from work on Monday, to get some snow hunting.
I'll catch the Sunday afternoon snow I hope.... Makes a long drive home but if the birds are flushing close it is worth it.
Looks like they've changed the weather report on Sunday to freezing rain followed by snow... KS is already posting ice warnings.....

Be careful out there!!