brood surveys?


The days keep getting closer and closer til the reports are released. Hopefully it will be good news and better than the last couple years. I will say that through my travels in the northeast portion of kansas i have seen more birds than i have in many years. Again that is not saying a lot because they have been pretty scarce to non exsistant for many years but it is encouraging. Just over 2 months away to the greatest day of the year!!
I have called around to numerous areas I like to hunt and the reports aren't all that great for pheasant. Quail are spotty. One area quail are in bad shape this year compared to last and other areas it will be the same as last or maybe a bit better. I can tell you that from my phone calls that North Central seems in bad shape for pheasants. The area I called is almost NW but just back East a ways along the border.

Nobody really had a stellar report but lots of them out doing surveys now and finishing up things. Should know more in the coming weeks.

This morning I heard at least 5 different quail calling around my place and this weekend I saw the first pheasant here that I have seen in at least 10 years. So that is encouraging!

Either way we will all be hunting and following our dogs in the uplands and marshes. It's going to be a good season no matter what mother nature has thrown our way. I'm ready and so are the dogs!
I am right there with you duck. Regardless of how many are out there i will be having fun. But i may have to make a few more trips later in the season since it is so close to me and from what i have seen it would be worth it.