I was out this morning to spray canadian thistles, I had 2 hens flush underfoot, 5 eggs in the first nest and 10 in the second. Saw one nest with 7 or 8 hatched eggs. I also something that seemed strange. We have a newer shelterbelt, about 5 years old. My father mowers around these cedar and spruce trees, a few of the later planted ones have hoops of field fence around them to help prevent deer raking them. I found one that had the hoop of fencing knocked off from around the tree and laying beside the tree. I picked it up and put it back in place and I then noticed what I counted, 21 hatched egg shells where that wire had been, they were a foot or 2 from the tall grass surrounding the tree. Guessing there was a nest or 2 under that spruce tree, but why all the hatched shells were all pushed out, left me unable to explain that. It is dry and has been hot, temps are dropping back to seasonable after today I believe, so we should have a good hatch I am going to say.