Brags and Pic's

Royal Flusher

New member
I would love to hear and see what is happening out there.......

My son and I hunted last Sat and Sunday opener. The 1st three properties we went to had other hunters in them so we moved on. We found a property where no one was and hunted it hard. We hit the field and didn't see anything for the 1st 45 minutes than walked though a Millet patch and our dog got birdy and went on point. We flushed about 16 birds in that one patch. All and all we saw about 100 birds pointed and flushed maybe 30 and by 11:30 had limited out.

On Sunday we hit a couple other fields but ended up going to the same one we had luck the previous day. We had to work a little harder but had our limit plus one quail by 2:00

What a great Opener. We can't wait to do it again!


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Nice job! I have always found that once you have located a spot with birds, it will almost always consistently produce as long as it does not get hit every day. I think this year a guy might have to work a little harder to find those areas, especially on public land.

Can't wait to get out there next week!
Nope... I gut them and then let them hang for at least 3 days. It tenderizes the meat.


I do this too (when possible). Noticeably better results when it's cool enough (<50 degrees).

The old school british driven hunt guys used to hang them in the round, guts and all for like a week. That's a little much for my tastes, but a couple of days does seem to help.