Bought a new used gun.


New member
Last week I decided that I just didn't need or want my Benelli Nova anymore. I bought the gun last year right before my first early goose hunt. Everyone I talked to recommended this gun because it was such a tough and reliable gun. This maybe true but to be honest I don't do a lot of hunting where I use my gun to paddle to shore so in hindsight this isn't that big of a deal.

The other reason I got rid of the gun is because I just can't get used to the whole pump action. I was very fortunate growing up because when I started shooting I was shooting only double barrel guns both SxS and O/U's. Unlike most I wasn't raised blasting away with the old 870 so I just wasn't comfortable using the pump action. I also felt like the Nova was a little big for me so firing the gun was even more awkward. I sold the gun to a kid(18 years old) who is just getting into waterfowling. I sold it for $300 which included all the choke tubes and a gun sock. With that cash I bought a Beretta AL-1. It may not be quite as versatile as my Nova but I'm sure it will still kill some pheasants. I deer hunt and turkey hunt but I probably won't use the gun for that because I can just borrow a relative's guns.

Do you guys think this was a good choice by me? Most of my friends don't hunt so I will mostly use the gun as a loaner gun for those first or second timers I bring out with me. I like my O/U's too much to hand over a $1,000 gun to someone who doesn't truly appreciate it.

Another question is do you guys feel like my impression of the Nova is accurate? Maybe a little over-hyped....
I've got a Beretta AL2- had it since the early 70's- sweet looking and handling gun- shoots slugs and just about anything else well- I shot skeet but it was my quail gun- so 30 years of using it every weekend during the season without a bit of trouble- meant hard to beat gun

never had a bit of trouble with it- you should like yours- it's a fine shotgun
To be honest I'm a little worried I'm going to like it too much... The O/U's might get a little bit more "rest" this hunting season.
mine has been resting for a couple years

Completely agree on the Nova. I got one as a gift, shot maybe a box through it. Just didn't like it, too bulky etc.... I won't go into too many details, but it would take alot to push one of my Browning BPS's back a slot in the lineup.

I've got enough BPS's to last a lifetime.. :D
The new Weatherby Upland pump is awesome. Picked up for my son and he shoots really well with it. Similar to Remington Wingmaster but half the price.
shot an 870 for most of my life. then i won a browning gold hunter. what a change. spoiled by the auto loader. hard to remember to pump when i pick up the 870.
Yeah pumping was tough to get used to and I have to admit I just really didn't practice enough with it. It's hard not to shoot the O/U's when busting some clays. I also don't do a lot of hunting besides pheasant and I just didn't want to lug that beast around.

Another problem I have besides pumping is rushing my shot (insert "sounds like a personal problem" joke here). So rushing two aspects of the shot with the pump just wasn't for me.

Shadow- Yeah it kind of looks like your gun but it's an AL-1 and from the pictures it had a much lighter wood. The gun is coming on Friday and I can't wait! I'll be making a trip down to the farm Saturday to put some rounds through it for sure.
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