Birds everywhere Saturday!


Saturday morning started off cold but the birds were everywhere. The first field we hit my pup Ella pointed 6 times and all six were hens. Second field we pushed and my buddy limited out and I still did not get a shot at a rooster only hens in range. That pattern continued all day until right before dark and we pushed some cattails and I managed to get a shot my first rooster of the day and got him so I wasn't skunked. Good news is my 11 month old Vizsla/Lab cross is a hunting machine. She held point on 8 different birds all hens but that's the luck of the hunt. I get one more Saturday to hunt and that will probable be it for the year, well except for going to a preserve.:)
Saturday morning started off cold but the birds were everywhere. The first field we hit my pup Ella pointed 6 times and all six were hens. Second field we pushed and my buddy limited out and I still did not get a shot at a rooster only hens in range. That pattern continued all day until right before dark and we pushed some cattails and I managed to get a shot my first rooster of the day and got him so I wasn't skunked. Good news is my 11 month old Vizsla/Lab cross is a hunting machine. She held point on 8 different birds all hens but that's the luck of the hunt. I get one more Saturday to hunt and that will probable be it for the year, well except for going to a preserve.:)

Great stuff Eddie. Good to hear you had success. I woud love to see some video of your puppy in action some day.
Great stuff Eddie. Good to hear you had success. I woud love to see some video of your puppy in action some day.

Thanks, I am planning on getting a go pro for next year so that I can video all our hunts. The last two hunts I am so tired after hunting from 9 to 5 that I forget to take pics.
I had the same thing happen to me in years past. I also forgot to turn on the darn camera and missed some great action. You will love the investment.
Saturday morning started off cold but the birds were everywhere. The first field we hit my pup Ella pointed 6 times and all six were hens. Second field we pushed and my buddy limited out and I still did not get a shot at a rooster only hens in range. That pattern continued all day until right before dark and we pushed some cattails and I managed to get a shot my first rooster of the day and got him so I wasn't skunked. Good news is my 11 month old Vizsla/Lab cross is a hunting machine. She held point on 8 different birds all hens but that's the luck of the hunt. I get one more Saturday to hunt and that will probable be it for the year, well except for going to a preserve.:)

Sounds like you had a great day!!! Even though they were just hens your dog got some valuable training in.