Better Next Season


Well-known member
With the mild winter (so far), a normal spring and summer should bring higher bird numbers. Here's hoping. :rolleyes:
recovery is going to be slow, pheasants just are not reproducing at their previous rate, something is wrong or missing........cover seems to be adequate, so not sure what else is crucial.
We are going to need moisture. I am a little concerned with how warm it is now. It reminds me of the spring of 2012. The good moisture from the event of a couple of weeks ago sure disappeared fast. There are plenty of hens, and they came through the winter in really good shape if we can just get the moisture. If we have a really bad hatch or lose the chicks, we will be right back to where we were a couple years ago.
Seems to be spotty. Cover is disappearing at an alarming rate for sure. Doesn't matter how perfect of weather we get, as we all know if the cover is gone so are the birds. I've found over the past. 10-12 years I've had to go further and further west to find pheasants.

Even in the years where the numbers were up the places I used to pheasant hunt which were only 1-1 1/2 hours north and west had barely any birds. The area I used to like to go looks like a barren waste land. Over grazed, no fence lines or tree lines, waterways hayed short etc. Makes me sick the birds have disappeared.
Cover is a problem. It has been declining for the last 6 or 7 years. I have never seen so much grass cut to the dirt as I did this fall in all my years living out here. As far as wheat goes, the warm weather in November and December did not help matters much. We really needed a snowy winter.
Seems to be spotty. Cover is disappearing at an alarming rate for sure. Doesn't matter how perfect of weather we get, as we all know if the cover is gone so are the birds. I've found over the past. 10-12 years I've had to go further and further west to find pheasants.

Even in the years where the numbers were up the places I used to pheasant hunt which were only 1-1 1/2 hours north and west had barely any birds. The area I used to like to go looks like a barren waste land. Over grazed, no fence lines or tree lines, waterways hayed short etc. Makes me sick the birds have disappeared.

We've got family that farms around Wakefield. My dad can remember filling the bed of a pickup full by noon. Last 3 times we have hunted there its been slim pickens.
Seems that area gets hunted very hard. Two years in a row I've been out just west of clay center and it's been trampled. Used to be some pretty damn good pheasant hunting out there years ago. Nowadays the areas look like they have had parties in them.

Last year I took a trip to Glen elder and my god there were literally trails and paths. Trash everywhere too. It was pitiful.