BC to blame.

Me and BC and 2 nephews went golfing last nite. And Bc saved the economy for a while:thumbsup: He was losing golf balls, pounding away snacks and drinks, destorying property. Just all around just stImulating the economy. Obama was going to hand him a metal for all the good he was doing:) When it happened on hole 13 He started dropping the F bomb after every swing:eek: He scared everyone indoors and made them fear the world was going to hell again. Way to go BC:mad: When we going to do it again:D:thumbsup:
So who won????? BC or the Coot???? Did bc start throwing his clubs???? We need the Rest of the story.:rolleyes:
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AS Paul Harvey would say. "Coot is Chicken to tell the rest of the story"..........Bob
Well I beat BC very badly. But I must say his son can play some good golf he shot a 41 & 42. I had my moments but was to busy picking on them to shot a low score. Not for sure what I shot I was like 8 ahead of BC after 3 holes:)And yes BC throws his clubs and looks very mad when he walks and sits in the golf cart like he's really constipated:eek: We did decided to do a 4 man best ball tournament next year:thumbsup: I hope Sir Treesalot improves his game.
Huh-huh, we got your golf number now coot. "EXCUSES, EXCUSES, and more EXCUSES........Bob
I have a mulligan rule for every hole. Must have 1 beer per hole min. And my favorite club is the toe iron, it positions the ball perfect for the next shot every time. I always leave with more balls then I came with. Simply because when I smack one in the woods, I never find mine, but do find 4-6 others.:thumbsup:
coot i wasnt that bad. well maybe i was alittle, grouchy. but benelliboy did deserve getting mooned while i told him he could kiss my a$$.:eek:. we did have a great time. funnelcloud did shot great. it sucks driving a ball 310 yards on a 340 yard par 4 and end up taking a 6:mad: funnel cloud had a 340 yard drive this morning.