

New member
Hunted my pipeline sections west and northwest of Bancroft today. First two sections--1/4 milers were previous hits from years prior and had awesome cover. Absolutely dry as a bone! Not a drop of water in them even from drainage tile!:mad: Sophie and I managed to put up a hen.

Saw a farmer applying anhydrous and stopped him when he approached the fenceline road. We had a great conversation and I eventually got around to asking if he had seen any water in the pipeline areas. He is aware of the lack of moisture and discussed the water bans that several of the local towns are currently under. I was unaware of the severity of this!

I ended up driving 3 more miles west and stopped to gain access. It was pushing 10 o'clock. I am not sure if some plugged tile or drainage was in this section but abundant water was in the bottom of the ditch. Sophie and I traveled only 100 yards when we hit birds. After two points and one random flush, we had two young of the year roosters in the bag. After a short regroup, Sophie and I completed the hunt with another 75 yards or so and a solid point. I tried to get a camera shot and missed the rooster!:) Luckily, his brother was close to him and Sophie nailed him momentarily. All birds were this year's hatch.

I went into Bancroft for lunch. I was the only hunter in there and I did not hear other shots today. The locals said Saturday's were still busy but you would have never known we have a pheasant season here today.

I worked Sophie on Public in the afternoon and carried only a camera. Several false points and one dandy buck but only a few birds wildly flushed on the edges. Staying with friends tonight and back at it tomorrow. My son may join me.:) Overall eight roosters and 16 hens flushed. One dandy whitetail and two partridge.

I have had many burgers at Aroma's or the Pub and Grill. When staying overnight, I usually travel to Longhorn's for a good steak. I had dinner at a good place in Swea City but can't remember the name of it at the moment. The place on main street also makes a very good Rueben. I don't know if you like those but one's that are made correctly are hard to find!:)

There is a good restaurant in or around the Algona area that I am supposed to check out. Do you know the name of this popular place?