bad eyes


New member
dont know if i will get any bird hunting in this fall. having double vision again. been doctoring at mayo. useing 2 diffent pairs of tri pair i can see far away but cant read highway signs or the dash of my truck..other pair allows me to see close but nothing very far away. prism built into both pair. makes light very bright. i still bowhunt but it is hard to see anything coming from far away. rifles are ok because i can focus them. golf totally sucks on the drives. have to have a spotter so i can find my ball back. hopfully eyes will adjust to the prism lenses. then we will make a new pair with the best of both lenses. at least the doc says i shouldnt have to have eye surgery again. i still remember the last 2 surgeries. when you wake up they give you a fast eye exam to make sure the eyes are lined up. then they clamp your head down and finish the stitches while you are awake:(
silver lining to every thing. double vision is great on a beach in the caribean. but it totally sucks when i visit captcoot and have to see 2 of him:cheers:
went to rifle range today. new prism lenses. could see black and white targets ok. orange with black bullseye hard to see.prism makes black bullseye appear 2-3 inches right of center. might have a nikon monarch for sale hard to see the fine crosshairs. will have to try shooting trap tommorow.