Back to the Gym at Season's End


Well-known member
In my ongoing effort to stay in decent good shape and lose some weight so I can continue to hunt pheasant without limitation I headed back to the gym yesterday. Today I have some sore muscles and am moving stiffly. I weigh more now than ever and I don't seem to have much dieting will power. Got to figure out how to shed some pounds.
BC, I went through what you are a few years ago, when I was diagnosed with Diabetes. I was put on 20 carbohydrates a day diet. It is good diet as you can eat things that have no carbs to feel full. Get a good carb chart and start counting. I lost 47 pounds in 18 months. This is purely a suggestion, I know some people hate to count carbs and things like that. I know I had to learn to cut out the Cookies and all other sweets, limit the milk, and cut down on the spuds and things like that. You are on the right track with the gym, my doctor had me walking 3 miles a day for my exercise. Which I still do because Tony my Brit loves it and It keeps me feeling good. I would strongly recommend talking this over with your doctor, for I don't really know your general health......Bob
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Good Advice About Losing Weight

BC, I went through what you are a few years ago, when I was diagnosed with Diabetes. I was put on 20 carbohydrates a day diet. It is good diet as you can eat things that have no carbs to feel full. Get a good carb chart and start counting. I lost 47 pounds in 18 months. This is purely a suggestion, I know some people hate to count carbs and things like that. I know I had to learn to cut out the Cookies and all other sweets, limit the milk, and cut down on the spuds and things like that. You are on the right track with the gym, my doctor had me walking 3 miles a day for my exercise. Which I still do because Tony my Brit loves it and It keeps me feeling good. I would strongly recommend talking this over with your doctor, for I don't really know your general health......Bob

Thanks for the tips. You lost an amazing amount of weight. Ideally, I would like to lose 20#. I did get a cholesterol food brochure from the doc which has helped me lower it. I also began taking Centrum's "Cardio" multiple vitamin and mineral pills when they came out. In two years my total cholesterol dropped 35 points.
I have 2 1/2 miles of trail at the ranch I keep open with the Bobcat. Along it I'm cutting next Winters firewood.
Me and the pups walk it once a day. When it's real cold the pups get to stay in the shack, sometimes if it's REAL cold me too.:cheers: