Back from SD


New member
I just got back from South Dakota last night, had a great time even though the hunting was tough. But it was great to get some dog work in and get a jump on the pheasant season! Saturday can not come soon enough for me!
Glad you had a safe trip. Is it Sat. yet! Are we there? Are we there? Are we there yet?
I just got back from South Dakota last night, had a great time even though the hunting was tough. But it was great to get some dog work in and get a jump on the pheasant season! Saturday can not come soon enough for me!

4 of us also went to South Dakota two weeks ago. We stayed in Mitchell and hunted public ground southwest of there an hour or so. We've been up there 4 times and this year was the toughest for hunting. But, like you we still had a good time and will head up there again.