Are the Combins rolling yet


New member
I am headed to toronto and astoria to hunt november 7-14 i was just hopeing they have started on the corn. My buddy who has a place in astoria told me they should start this week.

Thank,you for any Information.
Corn Harvest

My group of three is staying in watertown and hunting the surrounding area, who knows maybe we will run into each other(Green Jeep Commander). What I can tell you is that I talked with a guy at a sporting goods store in Watertown yesterday, and he said they most likely will not be harvesting the corn until the end of November, he suggested we push our trip back, but that's not possible for us. He did say however, that the beans should be mostly cut, and there have been some cut corn fields SW of Watertown. Good luck.
we will be in a grey F250 with a ga tag maybe we can meet up and hunt together i have 8 in my group contact me at 770 862 6050 if you want to we have some farmers we meet that let's us hunt and some public land
Hey thanks for the offer. The same goes for your group, if you are up in Watertown some evening and want to grab drinks, or need a couple extra guys to push some birds in a big area give me a call 715-205-5952 (Josh).
Combines are rolling in full force but it will take two good weeks of weather to make a difference.
Give This a Try

Guys; I hunted around Redfield opening weekend. While the corn was all in, we found birds in the grass fields next to the corn. It sure beat pushing through standing corn.

Good Luck!
Ditch hunting

So, since this is my first hunt in SD I am not familiar with road hunting. I have read the regulations, but I want make sure I am legal. What exactly are the guidelines to use for this type of hunting?
Interpretation is fairly liberal, just need to be out of vehicle with guns a blazing!!!

Actually, regs are straight forward, can road hunt birds in right of way (ditch). Cannot have shell in chamber until out of vehicle. Safety reason do not shoot across road. If bird goes down on private land, okay to retrieve but do not bring gun.
Michigan Gunner I am leaving Sat.14th for the RedField Rockham area. Will be hunting private ground Egdar Bros. ranch. Just wondering if you hunted at same place.
Aberdeen (Ipswich/Roscoe)

Was west of Aberdeen for the past 4 days. Beans are coming off fast. No corn being combined. Spent most of the time in smaller corn plots trying to push them out with 10 to 14 guys depending on day. Limited success. More action road hunting. Not my cup-of-tea as I have a new dog, but got more shooting in.
I made motel reservations in Waubay today. In talking with the owner of the motel, he asked what was bringing me to town. I said PHEASANTS ! Are there a few around? He said..very few:eek: I almost choked on my lunch as he was serious. He said 95% of the corn was still in and the beans were 75% out. He then said that the corn probably wouldnt be coming out until February. So, after I stopped choking AND picked myself up off the floor I asked what he meant and he said a great % of the corn in the NE corner of SD is moldy, on the stalks and is useless and therefore will be plowed under. It wont even be combined. I kept the reservation but should I be second guessing this? Ive never heard of this before. He said he knows of thousands and thousands of acres of corn that will sit through out the winter and never be combined.
Scary stuff
Anyone else hear this?
Redfield Area Hunt

Michigan Gunner I am leaving Sat.14th for the RedField Rockham area. Will be hunting private ground Egdar Bros. ranch. Just wondering if you hunted at same place.

No, I was hunting with Tom Scott @ Double J Hunts in Ashton about 10 miles North of Redfield. Check out his web site.

UpLandHntr, I hunted out in SD a few weeks ago (granted it was south central SD), and I have had buddies who have gone back a few times, and while the corn is still up you can still get the birds, it just might take a bit more work.

Good luck, at least the weather looks pretty damn nice for middle of November!

road hunting is very productive in sd and is legal (just hard to get use to it),
all roads except interstate hwys are legal if far enough (660 feet from schools,
churches, livestock, and occupied buildings), I was hunting around the
Chamberlain area second week of the reg. season and all the corn was still
in, but weather permitting am going back first of dec. I found the birds spent
most of the day in the corn, and came out about the end of shooting hrs.