Anyone Need Some Company?



I had originally planned to hunt a relative's land near Marshall for the opener on Saturday, but those plans fell apart due to him getting the flu.

So now, I'm officially a loner. If anyone within a couple hours of the St. Cloud area is heading out and wants some company, PM me.

I'm good company (I promise!) and I always bring extra beer :cheers:
I had originally planned to hunt a relative's land near Marshall for the opener on Saturday, but those plans fell apart due to him getting the flu.

So now, I'm officially a loner. If anyone within a couple hours of the St. Cloud area is heading out and wants some company, PM me.

I'm good company (I promise!) and I always bring extra beer :cheers:

I enjoy hunting alone. You should try it, you might enjoy it.
Hunting Partners

How did you do? I am available to hunt pheasants and ducks everyday if you want to get out again. I have a good dog, but nowhere to go unless I go to Marshall area. If you or anyone knows of a good spot an hour around St. Cloud, let's get into it.
Hunting alone

I enjoy hunting alone. You should try it, you might enjoy it.

Speaking of hunting alone .... I always went to North Dakota with a friend and coworker. 2 years ago he decided not to go so I went alone reluctantly and had a great time! I have 2 dogs and 4 wheel drive pickup truck. The first time I went I rented a 4 wheel drive Trail Blazer (another story in itself) I went by myself last year too.
I found I do not have to be an entertainer. But it is fun to share a good shot and dog points with a friend.
What else makes it nice is that I own a home out there too.


I did OK. We flushed 6 birds (2 roosters, 4 hens) and got 1 in the morning. The public land was getting hit pretty hard, so we decided to go grouse hunting in the afternoon.

I know a couple DNR officers, and they pointed me toward a few WMAs in the area that don't get hit very hard and usually hold birds. I've got several areas within an hour drive from St. Cloud where I generally do "decent". We'll never see the numbers of birds you see in SW MN, but it's fun nonetheless. Most of the birds are still in the corn right now, but should be moving into cover soon.

I PM'd you my contact info. I have a pretty open work schedule and can go out hunting most days. Let me know if you want to get together.