Anybody need any Dog Grooming??


New member
My other half does this for a living at a dog spa in leawood. Grooms Royals and the Chiefs players dogs quite often, and all of the other yuppies out there :D She does a really good job.

So I figured I'd ask if any of you guys around the area had any dogs you wanted trimmed up. She shaved my Lab last night, I never would have though to get him shaved, but He looks really good and I'm sure he is more comfortable now.

I'm sure a some of your wife's have little princess dog's that need a haircut.

Just thought I'd put this out there!!
For Seven dogs I'm sure we could work something out. Were you taking them to get it done before?
My other half does this for a living at a dog spa in leawood. Grooms Royals and the Chiefs players dogs quite often, and all of the other yuppies out there :D She does a really good job.

So I figured I'd ask if any of you guys around the area had any dogs you wanted trimmed up. She shaved my Lab last night, I never would have though to get him shaved, but He looks really good and I'm sure he is more comfortable now.

I'm sure a some of your wife's have little princess dog's that need a haircut.

Just thought I'd put this out there!!


With all due respect man, most of us have seen pictures of your wife. There will probably be a couple of guys go out and buy a little fluffy dog JUST to have an excuse to come see her;)

Sorry, but my dogs are going to have to groom themselves.

Has she ever considered holding Fido for ransom until the Chiefs or Royals can turn a winning season?:D
haha, I'm ok with that as long as they pay!! Buy all the fluffy dog's you want!

Every time she says anything about a royals players dog, or Chiefs dog's I can't help but say something stupid, I'm not real sure I'd be able to contain myself if I worked there.

Kyle Farnsworth brings in his 2 muts alot, the same one that bit his throwing hand last year and put him out for awhile, his name is "Strike"
Are they all brits?
Well I'm sure we could work something out.
pretty easy job really i usually shave them in the early spring and then let it grow back it is at the right length by hunting season shoot me a price and i will remmember it and maybe next year we could work something out
I'm sure a some of your wife's have little princess dog's that need a haircut.
Why do I feel that comment was aimed at me? Could it be that my wife's 5 lb ball of fur Malteese thinks I'm her best buddy, and that my raw muscle and sinew German Shorthair won't leave my wife's side? Something is wrong in our house for sure.