It's all personal preferance. That being said my labs are in the 70lb. range but my next me be a british lab (a friend of mine breeds them). I also have a pointing lab but I didn't train it nor do I want it to point (if it does point that's fine). The reason I like labs is they are a close working dog and that's how I train mine, pointing doesn't work well with this since the birds stay further out in front. Pointers are meant to roam around, find the birds, and point at them until you come over. Flushers stay close and get the birds up close to you. These are the general idea, there are exceptions to every rule. It all depends on how you like to hunt. Treat dogs like picking out a wife, meet the parents so you know what you are getting yourself into. Also th larger the lab the shorter the hunting life, I get 12-14 years out of mine and my friend gets around 8-9 years out of his 120+ pound labs. One last thing, I'm not a big fan of pedigree, every dog I have ever had has been bird nuts, I feel it's important to get them into birds as soon as possible. I would take a dog around the size and build that I am looking for before pedigree. Just my .02