A pheasant hunting we go! (Day #1)


New member
The day started out very nice as the sunrise here in Kansas always seems to be spectacular. Althought the wind seemed to try to push Scott City off the map many milew were walked! I could not bring my old Brittany girl as she is now 11 years and loosing the battle to arthritis. It sure does make a difference. A good freind of mine used his GSD and was an aid in locating birds. Although we saw in excess of 35-40 bird the wind was an extreme handi-cap for us. We shot about 1/2 dozen cotton tails as my father has a love for rabbit and dumplings but not pheasants. I got one shot a passing bird who was sailing throught he sky like a fighter jet. Am retired US Army and am hunting with my brother and his son so its an extra special next couple of days for me. For those interested I am surely going to work the last couple of weeks of the season into this falls scedule as there are still plenty of birds to be seen. (Day #2 to follow) :).