Interesting story. Went out to our place north of Hoisington to give it a go for the last weekend, driving to the homestead and within our section, on the qtr we don't own there is an old pasture with some nice weeds and a dried up (obviously) creek that runs through it. Back before everything was mowed, it used to hold some nice numbers of birds, and even some muleys. The land owner lives in KC and we had an agreeent that if we didn't see each others vehicles we could hunt each others land, and we'd also keep an eye out. Anyway we are driving in and my buddy points out there and hollers "Hey there's one right there!" I look and I correct him and say "One....there's a hundred right next to him...!" And there we stop and watch them as they get nervous and run off to some tall weeds. So we high tail it to the house, unpack our gear, and just for good measure i call the guy who farms that land just to double check that we can hunt it, since it is not our land. And.....his reply is...."well....i think we probably have all the pheasants from ten miles around....we have been cutting up milo bales and spreading them out as well as watering that area just so those birds can make it to next I think it's better to stay off..." All my excitement turned to frustration for about a minute...and then i realized in the big scheme of things, he was right. I kept telling myself that will just make it better for next year. And after about 5 minutes of pouting, we were off to our milo and had a great weekend. Saw probably 5, shot two. Found a new (new to us) nice bar and grill and galatia, and took a good nap. : ) Dog did well, warm enough for a campfire, good convo and cold beer. Small pleasures. But....i sure am licking my lips for next year. Hope all enjoyed their time this year no matter how many birds they bagged.
Time to restring the rod and reel....I'm out till next year.
Time to restring the rod and reel....I'm out till next year.