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Whats wrong with the world? Rebpublics taking the non war appoach:confused: Blow syria up:eek: Nuke em both sides are F'ed up:eek:. Very disappointed in the congress again why don't they come back from recess and show the world we ain't going to take this crap. Looks to me like congress would bitch if their ice cream was cold:) time for them to grow up.
This is why they all need to find a new job! If we had the chance to stop the Jews from be executed back in the day would we have done so????? We think that it was such a horrible, horrible time in the world and how could someone do such horrific things, yet we have the chance to do it over and stumble through the process while more people are executed. Confuses me!! Then we tell them exactly what and when we are going to do. Send a clear message of zero tolerance for these acts of mass murder.
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