2nd round of NWSG conversion


New member
Here is my 2nd NWSG restoration project that I started 3 years ago. These first few pics are of a hillside that was extremely thick with fescue and a bit of broomsedge. I prepped this area the same way that I did the 5 acre field of bigblue and indian grass, which incidentally is located at the top of this hill. This is looking from the bottom up towards the big blue field.


This pic is looking back down the hill.

And this is the post burn greenup. This was sprayed a second time with RU and Plateau.

These next 3 pics were taken on the hillside just this winter. I had done some serecia control and had spot sprayed with Remedy. The results were amazing. This first pic is where I didn't spray with the remedy. I know its not ideal as far as habitat but the weed control that I got with the remedy when I sprayed the serecia was unbelievable.
This pic is where I sprayed. The pics dont do it justice.
Here is my 2nd NWSG restoration project that I started 3 years ago. These first few pics are of a hillside that was extremely thick with fescue and a bit of broomsedge. I prepped this area the same way that I did the 5 acre field of bigblue and indian grass, which incidentally is located at the top of this hill. This is looking from the bottom up towards the big blue field.


This pic is looking back down the hill.

And this is the post burn greenup. This was sprayed a second time with RU and Plateau.

These next 3 pics were taken on the hillside just this winter. I had done some serecia control and had spot sprayed with Remedy. The results were amazing. This first pic is where I didn't spray with the remedy. I know its not ideal as far as habitat but the weed control that I got with the remedy when I sprayed the serecia was unbelievable.
This pic is where I sprayed. The pics dont do it justice.

Looks great..have you had any luck bringing quail back to your property?

Have you noticed any increases in other wildlife (turkey)?
No quail yet but I've been hearing some whistle on the neighbors place so hopefully its just a matter of time. As for other wildlife, we've already got a pretty good supply of deer and turks and I've been seeing more rabbits.