1st Time


New member
1st time dove hunter, I went Sunday and today and had a great time. Similar to duck hunting except more misses. Recommend you try it to all those thinking about going.
1st time dove hunter, I went Sunday and today and had a great time. Similar to duck hunting except more misses. Recommend you try it to all those thinking about going.

How did you hunt them? Did you have decoys? Were you sitting in a tree line. A friend from work and I have been contemplating going out when the excessive heat goes away.
I used decoys, but I think you could get by without decoys. I think the main thing is being where the doves want to be. I was hunting on public land where dirt work had been done, so there was a lot of bare ground with weeds and seeds.
Good deal on your first dove hunt Pheasadd:thumbsup:

Have you cooked those tasty little morsels up yet? If you've never had dove before (and maybe you have) I think you'll find dove breast are some of the best wild game for the table:cheers:
I used decoys, but I think you could get by without decoys. I think the main thing is being where the doves want to be. I was hunting on public land where dirt work had been done, so there was a lot of bare ground with weeds and seeds.

What kind of load did you use?
Got some jewelry today! I did not know they banded doves.

Funny story about banded doves, many years ago while dove hunting in Nebraska a buddy and I were shooting over a small stock pond, the doves were flying like crazy and the shooting was hot. A group of 4 came by and one of them was noticably larger than the other 3. My buddy says "hey look at that big one in the middle" and swiftly pulled up dropping it with a snap shot. My dog brought the bird back and delivered it to hand. My buddy loooked at for a minute or two and said "Oh Sheet" it turned out to be a racing pigeon with a leg band. To this day that band is on my buddies lanyard and that story comes up atleast once or twice during the course of each subsequent hunting season.