12/18 videos


So we went and tried some new spots today. Hard to do when you are having fun on the old ones.
It turned out to be a very tough day. We hunted for 8 some odd hours and managed to run into 3 roosters. 2 of which we should have bagged. But we had plenty of hen contacts to keep MY interest at least.
Below is a pretty short video of 4 of those. I am a little miffed because in 2 of them the go pro evidently got tilted further down then it needed to be. hope you all enjoy.


Plus a few pictures with m new D3200( Dont judge, I am learning how to use this camera.This is without postediting too. Plus, try handling 3 dogs, a go pro, a Garmin and a camera ;) )

Baja says " Wheres the roosters?"

Me just playing photographer. :p

Baja in the grass

Max on the move

In the video you see me taking a picture. This is it.

This was funny. I ordered these from Cabelas so I could feel ok about hunting my dogs during shotgun season. I threw it on Max when we got home. He was soooo tired, and very unamused. He stood motionless in that position for a good 15-20 minutes before he gave in. He is used to wearing a neoprean vest, so he was just being drama.
Nice Dog Work. Is that public or private? The cover looks great. The birds are in the thick stuff this time of year.
I am to much of a chicken to knock on doors so this is public. They were kinda spread out a bit yesterday. There were some in the thin cover, but it was a very nice day.
We missed a rooster that wa 15 yards form the truck. I was pretty tired after that piece we walked. Max goes on point and I was thinking to myself.Dam it Max! I closed my gun and took a step and the rooster flushed. Then I was thinking.Dam it Mary! ha ha ha