12-1-2013 Hunt


New member
Short on time, so please excuse the brevity here.

A friend hadn't been on birds in a while so I took him out for a half day hunt yesterday (Sunday) afternoon.

We arrived at our intended field only to find it had been mowed (ugh!) and planted with soybeans, since picked. Was time to free style!

Next field, the first we hunted, looked great but produced nothing. Not a single bird seen, but we saw sign on the edges. I think they were still eating in the neighboring picked corn.

Headed south, towards Fontanelle, and walked a big section, most of which had been sprayed in the spring, killing off the grasses (double ugh!). What remained was only waterways and weeds. Nonetheless, we decided to walk the north edge and Gunner ended up pointing three hens. That was enough to peak our interest, so we carried on, with my buddy eventually bagging one rooster. A nice point by his setter to boot!

Last field, a 320 acre piece with rolling hills, great grass variation, and a creek running through it. An absolutely beautiful piece of ground. We day dreamed aloud about owning it. :)

Lots of walking, many birds pointed and seen, with most running. We worked hard, the dogs and us, but managed to see 17 hens and 6 roosters. 10+ deer too, which was different than I'd experienced so far this season. Gunner positioned both me and my buddy for shots, and we aimed true, ending the day near 4:30 PM with four total in the bag. My buddy having limited, so I was happy. I think he was too!
