1-5-13 Hunt


New member
Took a friend out yesterday afternoon for a couple hour hunt near Des Moines. Just us two and Gunner. We managed 5 roosters in the first field, most holding extremely tight under the deep north edge snow. No tracks, no hole, they'd been camping out for a while. I was surprised, thinking they'd be out feeding in the relatively nicer weather. Probably saw around 15 total birds in that field, and I'm sure we walked over/around many more.

Spent the next hour walking a draw adjacent to a stream and wooded edge. The walk was BRUTALLY difficult. Saw 5-6 birds, and heard many more flush from inside the woods. Tracks everywhere! These seemed to be out loafing. Time was around 3:15 pm then. No shots fired and we called it a day.

Saw many big groups of pheasants on the drive. We've some decent numbers for next year.

Didn't have time to snap a pic as I was hurrying home for my oldest's soccer game.

Two more hunts needing to be planned before the season closes. I haven't made it out west (Exira area) yet this year, and I usually do well around there. That'll likely be one destination.

Wrapped my year up on Monday. Conditions and wind reports will make Wednesday a tough go!:p

I saw quite a few birds in open spaces yesterday surrounded by snow. No way to approach them. They appear to be doing okay. Will predator hunt and work on the golf game until Spring.

Take care and thanks for sharing your memories this season.:) Give Gunner an extra dog biscuit for me!:p
Thanks. Managed the pick up three yesterday, in a half day's hunt. Things are getting sloppy with all of the melt. I'll take it though!

Still planning a Thursday hunt but I hear rain is in the forecast?