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New member
Headed out for the second time this season. Hunted opening weekend and saw a woping 3 birds. All flushed way out there. Hunted today and again got skunked. I did however see the most birds that I have ever seen in one spot. I was driving to a wia and along the way spotted a rooster hanging out by a irrigation sprinkler right of the road in a basically bare field had that little green grass growing... So I stop the truck and watch him cross the road into the heavy cover. I pull up a little bit and the field just came alive with pheasants they where every where flushing right off the road I lost count at around 45 most of them roosters. It was something else made my day. I hunted a nearby wia but no birds. I drove back by the field with all the birds in it , got out of the truck and stood on the shoulder and watched the birds flush 70 or 80 yds out in small groups for over 10 min now if I could just find them in the wia....