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  1. Gobbler

    Your "Go-To" gun and why?

    Back on page one. I think I'm commenting on last post and then I realize I'm two pages behind. I blame the zero temps.
  2. Gobbler

    Your "Go-To" gun and why?

    Love that red fox colored on the labs!
  3. Gobbler

    Boss shotgun ammunition

    Yes...ruffed grouse will drop when hit by more than 2 pellets and in that heavy cover the more pellets the better. I've shot Boss the last two years for waterfowl and I am happy with the killing power out to 40yds so far. I hope to pattern over summer to determine best choke
  4. Gobbler

    Your "Go-To" gun and why?

    With these late season rooster I've got to have a 12 ga auto. I work too hard for a reasonably close e flush to gamble on a lighter gauge and two shots. In my younger days I always shot a Rem 1100 which I shot well but the auto was fussy if you didn't keep it clean. Now I shoot a Benelli Ethos...
  5. Gobbler

    The truth about Prairie Storm

    If it killing pheasant was your job... and you were getting paid $1000 per bird no matter how shot up.. You should be shooting 12 gauge 3inch shells TSS tungsten #9 shot. though and IC or mod choke. The pattern due to the number of pellets and especially your energy at 45 yards will kill a...
  6. Gobbler

    The truth about Prairie Storm

    Data tells the true story. It's pattern and energy down range you want. Problem is the average guy can't test enery at 40 yards.. That's why Bismuth and to a much greater extent TSS is hard to beat because they keep their energy at 40 yards where lead, or copper plated drops off quickly. Speed...
  7. Gobbler

    Slowing your dog

    In the off season find some large field to just run her in weekly. When ever she gets out past 35 yards turn and change direction drastically . When you do you can signal her with a low whistle tote or a vibrate on ecollar or nothing at all . She will realize you're not with her she will...
  8. Gobbler

    Slowing your dog

    Great looking lab. He does have a turbo. The question is will he do that in a pheasant field with his nose full of hot scent. If so congratulation!
  9. Gobbler

    Slowing your dog

    Chasing those flushed birds is a different problem than running too far a head on hot scent. Both will cost you many birds. I believe your only solution is a meeting with Mr. Ben Franklin. You dedicate this whole off season taking your time with ecollar training you problems will be solved by...
  10. Gobbler

    New hack: Will birds flock to me?

    That's why they are so good. It's like those roosters said something under their breath as they were leaving.
  11. Gobbler

    New hack: Will birds flock to me?

    A5 and Golden hour chase those roosters like they owe them money!
  12. Gobbler

    Dogs over 10

    I think it's just like people some age quicker than others. Obviously the dogs in better shape have a better chance of hunting later in life. I've had my dogs go at all different ages and some where in great shape their whole life Getting back to GM original question. I had a hard hunting lab...
  13. Gobbler

    Cold fingers alert, north central SD weekend of 1/18-1/19

    The good news is you don't have to worry about keeping your dead birds cold.
  14. Gobbler

    Cold fingers alert, north central SD weekend of 1/18-1/19

    Good luck Limitless. I hope to arrive later next week forecast a little better. As far as dogs go. As long as they're hunting they are fine gps4. No coat for warmth needed. Now if you are sleeping and traveling them in one of the crates in an open pick-up in negative wind chill that's a...
  15. Gobbler

    TSS report

    Yep...I agree with that math 100%
  16. Gobbler

    North Central South Dakota, January 8th through January 12th, Pheasant Hunt Report

    Anyone left hunting now are people I would like to meet and get to know. Because they have it in their soul as I do.
  17. Gobbler

    TSS report

    No question if money or time is no object TSS is the way to go. When you can shoot #9 shot with the energy of lead #4 shot at 40 yards the pattern has to be triple the density. TSS is the future. Plus it's non-tonic
  18. Gobbler

    North Central South Dakota, January 8th through January 12th, Pheasant Hunt Report

    No casual bird hunters out this time of year!
  19. Gobbler

    North Central South Dakota, January 8th through January 12th, Pheasant Hunt Report

    Be proud of that triple. You deserve it just being out there in January!
  20. Gobbler

    North Central South Dakota, January 8th through January 12th, Pheasant Hunt Report

    Great report. Thanks for taking the time. You just got to grind them out this time of year