Search results

  1. S

    HB 1236 Safety Zone Increase

    The landowner owns the land to the center of the road and a right of way is setup for travel. South Dakota just happens to place pheasant hunters and the money that comes with it as its top priority. Allowing road hunting on the private land within the right of way isn’t the same as the golf...
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    Crimson clover

    Pheasants spend a lot of time in my clover and brassica plots. Also have killed plenty in cover crop fields planted for cattle.
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    Hang on Here we go again!

    I have found a lot of dead pheasants in the aberdeen area, no doubt will be a large death loss this year.
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    Heading to South Dakota

    This weekend is the start of east river rifle season so bring plenty of orange.
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    Pay to Play rates in SD

    Currently I rent most my land out for farming to pay the bills and a small portion is for hunting which is why I bought it. I would love to have it all habitat and for hunting so I figure crp would be perfect. Farm rent is currently 160 a acre and will only keep going up and I just got the crp...
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    Pay to Play rates in SD

    Pay hunting isn’t for everyone but hunting good private land for 150 dollars a day is a deal. I see how the preserve thing gets a bad knock with released birds and it’s over the top expensive. Every landowner is in a different position some with large chunks of family land inherited and are...
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    I saw a brood today with chics the size of morning doves. Been a odd year with the large rains. Huge brood sizes and a wide variety of hatch dates with some re nesting a few times.
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    Part 2 of Hunting Pheasants on SD Public Land

    Looked like switchgrass and bluestem in your video both great grasses but the problem with most crp and a lot of state wildlife plantings is every acre is planted in the same thing. Birds like varied cover and edges a big sea of the same thing will never have near the potential as if they had...
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    Getting Rid of Trees = More Pheasants?

    A good shelterbelt is a must for any decent pheasant property. Grass is good for nesting that’s about it. Weeds, trees, and water make birds. Cutting down single rows and lone trees may help save a few here and there but nothing to change a property, time would be better spent elsewhere.
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    Lots of hens - no roosters

    Seems like roosters like to hang together in the winter like mentioned above. I see as many or more roosters on my land
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    Today’s results

    Every now and again a resident will come by but not shoot, for the most part locals know who lives where and if they like to hunt so out of common courtesy they find other places. There’s tons of good areas away from houses and deer stands but in general most birds hang where they feel safe and...
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    Today’s results

    As far as road hunting goes as a South Dakota resident who spends all day working and putting on miles in the country and spends any free time sitting in a deer stand watching I can say the huge majority of people hunt in a way that gives all others doing it right a bad look. There’s three ways...
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    crop reports 2020

    There will definitely be field after field of standing corn in a lot of places this weekend.
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    Not sure if this is allowed delete and sorry if so. I have 250 acres in two separate pieces two parts of the state. Slowly working towards having it all for deer hunting but currently renting some out for farming/ranching to help make the bank payments and recover some food plot expense. I have...
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    New member from South Dakota.

    South Dakota resident and new small landowner with a quarter(160) and a 40. Do very little bird hunting as I concentrate on deer mainly archery. I spend alot of time, effort, and money trying to benefit wildlife and have since built up a pheasant Haven. In the three years of owning the land i...